01/26/21 – Jan/Feb, 2021 – Another new year begins for Norwood! After a huge effort to achieve our goal of “shovel ready” before 2020 ended, the project is now in a holding pattern while we finalize a needed amendment to our legal agreement with PARD. Our team and General Contractor are ready to move forward with restoration construction; as ever, the Norwood House remains vulnerable and continues to deteriorate every day it’s not being restored. We hope the spirit of our partnership with the City will prevail and enable us to start work in short order. In the meantime, there is no lack of work for our board as we begin to envision operating a public venue, boy howdy.
Thanks to all who have supported the Norwood project to date. If you have not pitched in yet, please do consider a gift toward “bricks & mortar” today. This place belongs to YOU, and we can’t do it without you! THANK YOU.