2015/6/11 15:39:19
June, 2015 – The once-over with primer is done and we have a new western White House: the Norwood bungalow! Phase 1 is now officially done (see the previous entry for details of all that was entailed..years of work). We are ecstatic about this, proud of our accomplishment, and thankful for your support. We’re also keenly aware that as challenging as Phase 1 was, we’ve got an even bigger challenge ahead: raising money from the community to finish the job. We are working with a professional right now to estimate the entire project. Then we can get going on fundraising. In the meantime we’re doing things like applying for grants and addressing all kinds of issues that went on the back burner while we were finishing Phase 1. No rest for the weary with the Norwood project – not ’til this fantastic public park asset is restored and returned to the people. Together, we can do this!