2014/7/22 22:44:51
Week of 7/21/14 – Summer is zooming by, and while lots of folks have their vacation breaks, we’ve been wrapping up some extremely important work. Our great news to announce is that we’ve finished assembling a terrific professional team to see us all the way through the restoration: Mell Lawrence Architects, Ten Eyck Landscape Architects, Urban Design Group (Civil Engineers), and Leap!Structures (Structural Engineers). We are thrilled to be in the capable & creative hands of this team and can’t wait to see their vision of what the Norwood House – and the surrounding, very special tract of public parkland – can be. Generating this vision will take some time but we’re sure it will be worth it! In the meantime, the exact original location of the house is being staked on the property right now so we can figure out what will be involved in re-positioning Norcliff. The first of many steps to a new foundation for the bungalow’s next hundred years.